PEI Pitch 101 Forum

Sponsorship Opportunities

Founding Partners
The PITCH101 development team are working closely with a small group of organizations in the development of this series. They will be recognized as Founding Partners for the PITCH101 Series and will receive sector-specific-exclusivity on website, all communications and onsite; opportunity to provide welcoming or opening remarks in addition to an exhibit booth, promotional literature, onsite signage. Investment is $1,500 per event.

Event Sponsors
Event sponsors have the opportunity to support the event and its participants and receive exhibit space, display onsite signage, distribute promotional literature and give-aways. Investment $750.

Reception Sponsor
This sponsor will be recognized as the reception's host and the opportunity to welcome participants to the networking finale of the day. They have the opportunity to display onsite signage. Investment $750.

Network Break Sponsors
These sponsors will be recognized as supporters of the event and hosts of the mid-afternoon network break. Investment $250.


Sponsorship Categories
Sponsorship Levels


Founding Partner


Event Sponsor

Reception Sponsor $750
Network Break $250